Cosori rice cooker vs Aroma rice cooker

Cosori Rice Cooker:

Aroma Rice Cooker:

so this is the aroma induction rice cooker and this is the kosari 360° induction rice cooker as well and today we're actually going to go ahead and compare these two rice cookers and we're going to see which one is right for you now first off we're just going to start off simple and we're going to talk about the design of these two rice cookers now the aroma both of these rice cookers they have plastic bodies but with the aroma they make it look here like it's brushed aluminum or like it stainless steel so the aroma is going to do a much better job of fitting into your kitchen if your appliances are stainless steel or if they are brushed aluminum whereas with the Kori yes this rice cooker also looks elegant but we do have a mostly plastic body here the only Touch of metal that we have is going to be this brim up here but in general I do feel that the aroma looks more elegant than the Kori just because it is smaller and it is a little bit more rounded but also we're going to have to talk about the power cables on these two rice cookers now with the coory we do have a power cable here and both of these rice cookers come included with short power cables but with the Kori this rice this power cable is not removable whereas with the aroma the aroma does have a removable uh power cable and if you want you can also go ahead and get a longer power cable if you absolutely need it to now with both of these rice cookers they do have spring loaded Lids on them and they both have a button to open these spring loaded Lids but personally I do feel that the springloaded mechanism on the aroma just opens much faster and much more smoother and elegantly than the lid on the kosor now don't get me wrong both of these Lids do a good job of opening but with the aroma this one just feels a little bit more elegant than with the kosari but now we're actually going to go ahead and talk about the included accessories now with the kosor you do get your steam plate you get a spatula and you get a measuring cup whereas with the aroma you also get a steam plate you get a measuring cup but with the aroma you actually get a spatula and a spoon so those are the included accessories not a major difference between these two so those are the included accessories on these two rice cookers but more importantly we actually have to talk about the bowls now with the kosor you get this lighter 20 cup bowl and this bowl here is nonstick on the inside and this bowl is uh pretty thin whereas with the aroma this is a 12 cup cup Bowl but more importantly yes it is a little smaller but more importantly this bowl is completely made out of iron also this bowl is much thicker as well so this bowl is going to be more d durable than the bowl that comes with the kosor this bowl is also going to do a much better job of um keeping your food warmer for longer just because it's made out of iron and the walls on this bowl are a lot thicker and in general even though this is a 12 cup Bowl this bowl is a lot denser it's a lot denser than the coori however this here this is going to be uh something that you are going to have to choose for yourself like I said this is uh 12 cups this here is 20 cups so definitely if guys matters to you that is something that you're going to have to take into your own consideration for me 12 cups is enough but 20 cups you might need that if you have a larger family now also with both of these rice cookers their top plates are removable and now in order to remove the top plate on the aroma all you got to do is you just grab on these two little feet down here pull that comes out and you can go ahead clean clean that up and in order to reinstall that you just clicks right back in whereas with the kosor you do have this orange latch here you just press that up this Springs out on the back you do have your steam collector so to um uh throw out any collector steam you might have here you just do that and in order to install that back in nice and easy and lows that back up actually we're not ready for that yeah where but now with the aroma the aroma also has a steam collector but the steam collector is actually this mechanism up here you just press here this comes out like this you throw out any Collective steam you might have and once you're done this just goes right back on like that but finally let's talk about the touch screens on these two rice cookers now first off with the aroma most importantly this touchcreen you can actually turn it on and off now in order to turn it on you just click Start here and that is our touchcreen and in order order to select what typee of rice you want to cook you just press on the menu button until you've got what you're looking for and then once you're ready to go all you got to do is just click Start and the aroma rice cooker is just going to go ahead and start cooking but the important thing here is these buttons they're fast to react see that they're fast to react there are plenty of other products out there that might have touch screens on them but you know they can be hard to use just because their touch screens are hard to use and also with the aroma you can delay your your um rice cooking to a few hours to whatever you need but then we're going to move over to the kosor now first off with the kosor this touchcreen does not power off even if you're not using this rice cooker these buttons are always going to be available to you now we're just going to ahead and go and click on white r here now with the K you do have a lot more um granular settings that you can choose when it comes to to cooking your rice like you may have just seen with the aroma all you have are your options are right rice multigrain oatmeal porridge or steam whereas with the kosor you have all of the same options but also you can go ahead and get into finer detail as to exactly what you're cooking and what you want with the kosor you can have white rice but you can also specify it's a long grain or if it's medium or short or if you're going to be cooking porridge so like M just seen we just switched it over to medium or short this is porridge but also you can select the texture so if you want a harder texture or if you want a softer texture or if you just want a regular texture but the main point here is is that with the kosor you have a lot more granular detail as to how you want to cook your rice but finally before we can actually make a final decision as to which of these two rice cookers is the better option for you we do have to show you the final product now with both of these rice cookers we went ahead head and we went and cooked one cup of rice with both of them now with the aroma it took about 30 to 35 minutes for it to cook one cup of rice whereas with the kosor it took about 52 minutes for it to cook one cup of rice now the reason why the kosor might be a little slower than the aroma is first off the kosor does have a larger Bowl in it so it is going to have to heat up a larger area but also perhaps the cooling the heating mechanism inside the coory isn't as fast and also the the bowl inside the kosor might not collect or hold heat as fast as the Iron Bowl in the aroma but overall from a purchase standpoint the kosor here is going to be the smarter buy with the kosor first off you're going to have a lot more granular uh settings when it comes to actually choosing your rice and what kind of rice and you can also select the the desired texture with the kosor but also with the sorry you do have a larger bowl that does come included so if you do have to cook larger batches of rice you're going to be able to do that with the kosor now even though I just said that the kosor might be the smarter purchase here personally I do prefer the aroma here now with the aroma first off this rice cooker does feel a little bit more premium it also looks premium and I also prefer the smaller shape and also with the Iron Bowl inside this Iron Bowl does collect and hold he a lot faster than the bowl that comes included with the kosari so personally for me I do prefer the aroma but overall both of these rice cookers are good it just comes down to your needs