Manscaped Beard hedger vs Manscaped lawn mower 5.0 Ultra

Lawnmower 5.0 Ultra:

Beard Hedger:

hey Amazon so this is the manscape beard hedger and this is the new manscape lawnmower 5.0 Ultra and today we're actually going to do a quick comparison between these two trimmers now first off I do want to point out that both of these trimmers come included with carrying cases which is very nice however these cases are very different with the lawnmower 5.0 you have room for your different Combs and your different trimmer head which we will talk about in a minute and you also have pockets for your charging accessories uh just keep in mind with the lawnmower 5.0 this this carrying case is soft shell so it is going to keep your stuff collected however since this is a soft shell your trimmer can get crushed if you do plan on traveling with your trimmer whereas with the beard hedger this trimmer comes included with a hard shell case so this case is going to do a much better job of protecting your trimmer if you plan on traveling with the beard hedger but with the cases out of the way let's talk about the actual trimmers okay so with these two trimmers when it comes to charging them up they both charge via a USB C Port so you can just plug in your USBC cable and you can charge them up however with the lawnmower 5.0 this trimmer also has wireless charging so you can actually place it on any Chat Wireless Charger and charge it right up so if you have a wireless charger for your phone you can use your phone's wireless charger the only thing to keep in mind is the lawnmower 5.0 does not come included with a wireless charger you are going to have to supply your own wireless charger but overall I do like having the option to either plug in your two razors in with a physical cable or you can always charge up the lawnmower 5.0 with a wireless charger now when it comes to actual power when both of these trimmers are fully charged up they both have a battery life of 60 minutes which is decent however I do have to point out that the lawn mower 4.0 has a battery life of up to 90 minutes so the battery life on the lawnmower 5.0 has been downgraded a little bit when compared to its predecessor okay but with power out of the way we can actually talk about the design of these two trimmers now both of these trimmers are very similar in looks they both have plastic and they both have silicone handles so it's easy enough to grip them however the lawn mower 5.0 is considerably smaller than the beard hedger and when it comes to actually cutting hair the beard hedger has a much larger cutting surface area than the lawnmower 5.0 so if you do plan on let's say routinely uh trimming the haage on your legs or whatever then uh the the beard hedger is going to allow you to do that faster than the lawnmower 5.0 just keep in mind that with the beard hedger this is not groin safe so it can be a little dangerous if you're going to use this trimmer on your private parts whereas with the lawnmower 5.0 this is GR grin safe so you can use it and rest assured that you know your man parts are going to be safe now when it comes to actually cutting your hair one thing to point out is that the lawnmower 5.0 does have a built-in light and this light actually has two temperatures to it so that's off and this is the amber light and this is the white light so if you do plan on trimming your hair in an area where you might not have good lighting then the lawn mower 5.0 can come in handy whereas with the beard Heder there is no built-in light so you're going to have to use your bathroom's lights to actually see where you're cutting now with the lawnmower 5.0 you can use it without any of the guards and if you use it without a guard then you're still going to have a little bit of stubble or you're going to have a little bit of a shadow which is personally what I like however the lawnmower 5.0 does come included with a total of three Combs now first off we do have this first comb that has a length of 1.4 mm and this comb actually is not adjustable so if you want a darker Shadow you can always use this comb or you can always use any of the other two Combs which are adjustable now this comb here is good for your two four or 6 mm lengths and this comb is adjustable so this here we have it set to 2 mm and if you want 4 mm you just press up go up one step and this is going to give us 4 mm and if we go up another St if we go up another step this is going to give us 6 millim however the thing that I do want to point out here is that even though this comb is adjustable actually adjusting your comb isn't as seamless as I would like and it's not as seamless as the lawn mower 4.0 this here is a little bit trickier when compared to its predecessor and also a lot trickier when compared to the beard hedger cuz with the beard hedger yeah you can always use it without the comb however the beard hedger does come included with adjust with this adjustable comb and to install this all you got to do is you just throw this up top like this and this here is our comb and this is actually the lowest setting but to adjust the comb there's actually a dial down here so this is going to allow you to one uh adjust the comb much easier much quick much faster as well and you also have a lot more step because here we have 10 mm 9.5 9 8.5 or 8 so in general with the beard hedger it's not just easier for you to adjust this comb you also have a lot more options when compared to the adjustable Combs that come included with the lawnmower 5.0 however with the lawn mower 5.0 the star of the show here is the removable trimmer here you can actually just pop this up like this comes right off and these star of the show here is actually the new foil head which all you got to do is you just line this up here and then this just snaps into place like so and you're ready to go now with this foil you are going to be able to get a skin tight shave out of this razor whereas with the beard hedger or with the lawnmower 5.0 when you're using the first trimmer head even if you were to use them without the comb these trimmer heads are still going to leave you with a shadow whereas with the lawnmower 5.0 if you were to use it with its foil head this this head is going to give you that skin tight shavee that you might be looking for so overall with the lawnmower 5.0 this trimmer gives you a lot more versatility than the beard Heder cuz with the lawnmower 5.0 if you want that skin tight shavee you can do that if you use the new foil head however if you still want some l length in your beard if you want a shadow or if you want some stubble all you got to do is you just have to replace the foil head and use the standard trimmer and you also have different Combs to choose from so if you want you can adjust the length of this trimmer as well all the way up to 12 mm however even though the lawn mower 5.0 does come included with adjustable Combs so you do have that flexibility if you want some stubble in your beard adjusting this comb just isn't as seamless when compared to the beard hedger because the snapping mechanism here just isn't as intuitive as the dial that you'll find on the beard hedger which number one makes it much easier to quickly adjust the length of this guard and you also have a lot more granular settings to choose from and also with the beard hedger you do have a much larger cutting surface area so you'll be able to cut more hair faster