Wahl razor

Wahl 3 in 1 VS Manscaped Beard Hedger

Wahl 3 in 1 VS Manscaped Beard Hedger

so this is the wall 3in1 personal trimmer and this is the manscape beor hedra and today we're going to break down the differences between these two trimmers now the first thing that we are going to have to talk about about these trimmers is just going to be their overall build quality and design now even though the wall 3in one personal trimmer is significantly smaller than the beard hedger this trimmer is a lot denser the wall weighs in at 218 G whereas the larger beard hedger weighs in at 176 G

Wahl 3 in 1 razor vs Manscaped 5.0

Wahl 3 in 1 razor vs Manscaped 5.0

so this is the wall 3in1 personal trimmer and this is the manscape lawnmower 5.0 and today we are just going to go ahead and compare these two trimmers now the first thing that we are going to have to talk about about these trimmers is just going to be their overall build quality and just their feel while they're in your hands and plainly said the wall feels a lot better than the manscaped now with the wall personal trimmer this trimmer feels a lot denser this trimmer weighs in at 218 G whereas the lawnmower 5.0 weighs in at 142 G and personally I just feel that there's something nice about the weight of the wall but also the wall does have better ergonomics than the lawnmower manscape 5.0

Wahl trimmer vs Manscaped 4.0

Wahl trimmer vs Manscaped 4.0

This is the wall 3in1 personal trimmer and this is the manscape lawnmower 4.0 and today we are going to break down the differences between these two trimmers now first off we're going to have to adjust the build quality and ergonomics of these two trimmers because the wall easily beats the lawnmower 4.0 here first off when it comes to their weight the wall weighs in at 219 g whereas the manscape lawnmower 4.0 weighs in at 124 G and personally I just do think that there's something is very nice about the overall density of the wall but also there's just the ergonomics of these two trimmers now the lawnmower 4.0 it does have a lot of flat surfaces

Wahl 3 in 1 Razor Review

Wahl 3 in 1 Razor Review

So this is the wall 3in1 personal trimmer and today we are going to do a review and walk around of this personal trimmer because there are some very big Pros but there are also some very big cons about this trimmer now the first major Pro of this trimmer is just how dense and just how high quality this trimmer feels now this trimmer has this very thick gnarling here but this is all rubber so when you grab this you are going to get a very good grip of this trimmer I also really like that the ergonomics of this trimmer is very well thought out there's this little bump on the back and I like this little bump on the back because if you're going to hold it like this okay you got somewhere for your index and for your middle finger to rest and you've also got somewhere for your thumb to rest