dyson v11

Dyson V11 Vs Shark Detect Pro - Is Dyson Worth It?

so this is the shark detect Pro and this is the Dyson v11 and today we're going to compare these two vacuums and we're going to tell you exactly what the difference between these two vacuums are and hopefully we can find the right one for you now obviously the first major difference between these two vacuums is that the Dyson V1 is noticeably larger than the detect Pro now the Dyson v11 itself weighs in at 4B and 9 oz and yes we are rounding up here whereas the detect Pro weighs in at24 Oz but when fully assembled the Dyson v11 weighs in at 6 and a half whereas the detect Pro weighs in at just a little over 6 lb and that is because the smart carpet cleaner head on this vacuum does weigh quite a bit so overall yes when fully assembled the detect Pro is notably more comfortable than the Dyson v11 because it is a little lighter but more importantly with the detect Pro when you turn this vacuum on it stays on you don't have to constantly keep a trigger held down whereas with the Dyson v11 since this vacuum does have a trigger that you have to constantly keep held down having to hold down this trigger can get a little tiring especially in the forearm after like let's say 20 minutes so overall the detect Pro is noticeably more comfortable than the v11 because the detect Pro is noticeably lighter but also the detect Pro does not have that trigger that you have to constantly keep held down however with the detect Pro there are some sacrifices that you have to make due to this vacuum's smaller size now first off there is the bin on this vacuum it is a little smaller than the bin found on vv11 however if you were to get the optional automatic automatic docking tool with the detect Pro then every single time that you attach the detect Pro to the automatic dock it is going to automatically empty itself and the the automatic dock also keeps your vacuum fully charged so anytime that you reach for this vacuum it is going to be ready to go because the bin is going to be empty and the battery is going to be full however from a performance standpoint with the Dyson v11 this vacuum does have more suction than the detect Pro however the Dyson v11 is notably louder than the detect Pro but so that you can hear for yourself we're going to do a quick test so here comes the detect Pro while it's in its eco mode so that is the that is Eco Mode on the detect Pro Here Comes eco mode on the v11 now here I do feel that the v11 is a little quieter than the tect pro and it also has more suction But Here Come the medium mode on both of these vacuums so that's medium mode on V detect Pro Here Comes medium on v11 now here I do feel that the v11 is a little louder than the detect Pro even though the detect does have a higher pitch hump to it and here comes a boost mode on both of these vacuums and here comes boost mode on vv1 here I do feel that the v11 is is notably louder than the detect Pro while in boost mode but again the v11 does have more suction than the detect Pro now when it comes to the battery life on both of these vacuums both of these vacuums have an advertised battery life of 60 Minutes however realistically with both of these vacuums if you use them while they're set to their medium modes or automatic mode on the detect Pro then both of these vacuums are going to be good for around 40 minutes of use just keep in mind that batter life on both of these vacuums are really varies depending on the setting that you have them in and it also varies on what attachments you're using however with the detect Pro the really interesting thing about this vacuum is that this vacuum will automatically adjust itself uh as to what what surfaces you're cleaning so with the detect Pro there are some LED lights on it both on the vacuum itself and on the carpet cleaner head that changed from Red Amber and to green and basically when the red light is on that is when this vacuum has detected dirt so obviously it is going to start sucking a lot more once the light changes to Amber then uh the suction of the vacuum does relax a little bit but it is telling you that hey you should keep the carpet cleaner here because we are currently cleaning this area and once the indicator light on this vacuum switches over to Blue that's basically telling you that this area has now been cleaned and send the vacuum DET tect that it's on an area that's already cleaned it is going to lower its suction so that is how this vacuum is able to optimize its overall battery life whereas with the Dyson v11 this vacuum does not automatically adjust its speed depending on what surface you're cleaning so with the Dyson v11 you are going to have to manually switch this vacuum from eco mode to medium and this is the mode that you're probably going to use most of the time and if you have a bigger mtic cream then you're going to have to manually switch it over to boost and once you're done with Boost you might want to switch it over to medium and if you want to extend your battery life then you want to switch this vacuum over to eco mode but now we have to talk about the included accessories that come included with these two vacuums now both of these vacuums come included with a motorized head and the motorized head on both of these vacuums have the same width to them and they also have the same height to them so both of these motorized heads are going to be able to get under the same furniture and with both of these motorized heads they both have a single roller however these rollers are very different now with the Dyson v11 you have this roller that has your set of soft bristles and these are the bristles that are going to do the better job here of cleaning up your hardwood floors and the Dyson v11 also has the stiffer bristles and these are the bristles that are going to get deeper into your carpet however the roller on the detect Pro is significantly more impressive because with the roller on the detect Pro this roller has a lot more soft bristles here so this is what's going to clean your hardwood floors but also we do have your stiffer bristles here and these are the ones that are going to get into your carpet but what is unique here is that with the detect Pro we also have these rubber fins which again is going to help this carpet cleaner head get deeper into those carpets and this carpet cleaner head is also filled with the sensors that your vacuum uses to decide when it should speed up or when it should speed down so overall I do feel that the carp cleaner head on the detect Pro does give you a deeper clean than the corpor cleaner had found on the Dyson v11 specifically because of those rubber fins which just aren't found on the Dyson v11 however with the Dyson v11 you also get this additional motorized tool here and this is the carpet cleaner head that you might want to use on your stairs your upholstery or if you have a Pet's bed but also both of the these vacuums come included with a Cris tool but the Cris tool that comes included with the Dyson is narrower and longer than the crevice tool that comes included with a d detect Pro so this might be important for you if you plan on doing detail work in your car and both of these vacuums also come included with a dusting tool however with the dusting tool on the v11 you can choose to either have the Brussel exposed or you can choose to put them away so with all that being said if you're trying to choose between the Shar detect Pro and the Dyson v11 both of these vacuums are very capable however the better buy here I do feel is going to be the detect Pro with the detect Pro this vacuum is notably smaller and lighter than the Dyson v11 making it more comfortable to use and also there is no trigger that you have to constantly keep held down but more importantly with the detect Pro you are going to get a deeper clean that you do with the the v11 specifically because it's corpor cleaner head has those built-in rubber fins which is going to help get deeper into your carpets but also the smart carpet cleaner head on the detect Pro is going to help automatically adjust this vacuum's suction speed that's giving you a better clean but more importantly it is going to help extend the battery life of this vacuum and also if you do decide to get the automatic Dock of the detect Pro with this automatic dock it is going to keep your vacuum's bin clean and it is going to keep your vacuum fully charged so your vacuum is always ready to go whenever you need it however with the Dyson v11 you do get an additional motorized tool but also with the v11 you are going to get better suction than you do with the detu pro however with the v11 this vacuum is going to be a little louder than the detect Pro and it is going to be a little heavier and again you do have that trigger that you have to constantly keep held down which can get a little uncomfortable especially in the forarm after like let's say 20 minutes

Dyson V11 Vs Shark Vertex Pro - Is The Dyson Worth It?

hey Amazon so this is the Shark vtex Pro and this is the Dyson v11 and today we are going to break down these two vacuums and I'm going to tell you the difference between these two vacuums and hopefully we can find out which one is right for you now first off one of the first things that we have to talk about is about the size of these vacuums now the Dyson v11 the vacuum itself is a little larger and it is a little heavier than the vertex Pro because with the v11 the handheld vacuum itself weighs in at4 L and 9 oz yes we are rounding up here whereas the vertex Pro weighs in AT3 L3 Oz however when fully assembled with the neck and with the carpet cleaner attachment attached the Dyson v11 weighs in at6 lb and a half whereas the vtex pro weighs in at almost 9 lb so overall the complete package of the Dyson V V1 is overall lighter than the vertex Pro however another very important thing about the the v11 is going to be its overall design and its center of gravity the majority of the weight of the v11 is located here right um right above your wrist and right above your hand so this vacuum doesn't cause any wrist pain after like let's say 20 minutes of use whereas with the shark vertex Pro since the center of gravity of this vacuum is located more here more forward and down downwards I have noticed that after like let's say 10 minutes of use this vacuum does cause some discomfort in your wrist so that's definitely something that you want to keep in mind if you're a person with arthritis so overall the v11 is more comfortable to use than the vertex Pro because the complete package is overall lighter and also the center of gravity of this vacuum is located in a place where you aren't going to get wrist disc Comfort after a while of use however the v11 does have two drawbacks compared to the vtex pro that I do want to point out first off the bin on the v11 is just a little smaller than the bin on the vtex pro you're not really going to notice it but technically it is there but also the thing that I don't like about the v11 is that the v11 has a trigger that you have to keep held down for this vacuum to work and personally I do feel that having to constantly keep this trigger held down does get a little Annoying after a while and it does get a little tiring especially on your forearm whereas with the vertex Pro like I mentioned earlier the bin on this vacuum is just a little larger than the bin found on the v11 technically you're not really going to notice but technically it is there but more importantly with the vtex pro this vacuum has a power on button so once you turn this vacuum on it stays on you don't have to constantly keep a trigger held down and personally I do feel that that is a a lot more comfortable than having to keep the trigger held down on the v11 now when it comes to the overall performance of these two vacuums the v11 does have notably more suction than the vertex Pro but also the v11 is a little quieter than the vertex Pro while having more suction than the vertex Pro but right now we're just going to go ahead and do a quick sound test of these two vacuums now first off we're going to power on the vertex Pro and this is the vertex Pro running on eco [Applause] mode and we're going to switch over to the v11 on eco mode so that's the v11 and as you can notice it is noticeably quieter than the vertex Pro and it also has more suction than the vertex Pro now we're going to use these two vacuums while they're set to their medium settings here comes the vertex Pro so that's medium on the vortex Pro Here Comes medium on the

v11 so that's medium on the v11 again it is noticeably quieter and it has more suction than the vertex Pro and now we're going to use both of these vacuums on their boost modes so that was the vertex Pro while in its boost mode and here comes the v11 while in boost mode as well now yes both of these vacuums are louder but the 11 is a little quieter than the vertex Pro while also having more suction but now when it comes to the battery life of these two vacuums both of these vacuums have an advertised battery life of 60 Minutes however with the Dyson this vacuum has an advertised battery life of 60 minutes while it's running in its medium mode and this is the mode that you're going to be using most of the time because with both of these vacuums you only want to use their boost modes when you have to because when you use their boost modes that is going to drain the battery life a lot faster and also continuous use of the boost mode on both of these on both of these vacuums that is going to drain the overall health of your battery whereas with the vertex Pro this vacuum does have an advertised battery life of 60 Minutes however that is with this vacuum running on eco mode which is the quieter [Applause] mode which is this quieter mode here and that is also with this vacuum not using uh the uh motorized carpet cleaner head and that is also with this vacuum not having the carpet cleaner head set to its carpet mode which does take an additional toll on the battery life so overall with the Dyson v11 this vacuum not only has more suction than the vertex Pro not only is it quieter than the vertex Pro and not only is it lighter than the vertex Pro the battery life on the v11 does perform and last longer than the battery found on the vertex Pro however just keep in mind that battery life on both of these vacuums really does vary depending on how you use them and it also depends on what attachments you're using but speaking of the attachments that come included with both of these vacuums these are the two main attachments that come with the vertex Pro and with the v11 both of these vacuums come included with a motorized carpet cleaner head now the width of both of these carpet cleaner heads is about the same however as you can tell the v1's carpet cleaner head here it is a lot smaller and it is a lot lighter than the carpet cleaner head that comes included with the vertex Pro so with this carpet cleaner head that comes included with vv11 it is going to be easier to get under your furniture because it is just smaller and it's also a little more low profile but more importantly with the v11 the v11 scorp cleaner head only has one main roller whereas the head that comes included with the vertex Pro this corpor cleaner head has two rollers we do have our uh main roller here with the Fluffy fibers and this is the roller that's going to do the better job here of cleaning your hardwood floors and here is your secondary roller here that has stiffer bristles and it also has these rubber fins and this is the roller that's going to help get into your carpet however in order to activate this roller here you do have to set the vacuum over to its carpet cleaner mode and basically when this vacuum is set to it it's a default hardwood floor mode both of these rollers are going to spin equally however if you were to set this uh vacuum to its carpet cleaner mode then this secondary roller here it is going to spin up however just keep in mind that if you use this carpet cleaner ahead while in carpet mode that is going to drain your battery life faster because you are sacrificing some battery life to spin this secondary roller a lot faster but more importantly the vertex Pro only comes included with one motorized head whereas the v11 comes included with two motorized heads and basically this is just a smaller version of the larger carbet cleaner head but this is the head that you might want to use on your stairs carpet or if you have a Pet's bed but then there are also the non-motorized heads that come included with both of these vacuums now with the vertex Pro you get a single crevice tool but you also get a crevice tool with the v11 and basically both of these tools get the same job done however with the v11 you also get the second non-motorized tool here and this is basically a dusting tool either you can use this tool without the bristles or you can extend the bristles and this is going to be a good tool for like let's say dusting your carpet or for cleaning your um your uh computer's keyboard so overall the Dyson v11 does come included with more tools than the vertex Pro however one tool that the vertex Pro does have over the dys V1 is that it does have this multilex neck so with this it is going to make it easier for you to get under your furniture and uh let's say your bed however just keep in mind that due to the carpet cleaner heads thicker design it won't be able to get under as much Furniture as let's say the Dyson v1's carpet cleaner head because it is a little thinner but with all that being said the shark Vortex Pro is a very versatile vacuum that's going to work well on both hardwood floors and on carpets however with the Dyson v111 you are going to get some very significant upgrades with this this system now first off the v11 when fully assembled it is noticeably lighter than the vertex Pro and also thanks to the location of the center of gravity of this vacuum it doesn't cause any wrist pain after prolonged use the only thing that I don't like about fv1 is that you do have to keep this trigger held down and keeping this uh this trigger held down can get a little tiring after like let's say 20 minutes in the forearm however tireness in the forearm isn't as bad as having um rest discomfort with the vertex Pro now with the Dyson v11 more importantly you are getting better performance with this vacuum specifically this vacuum is a little quieter than the vertex Pro it does have better suction than the vertex Pro and the battery on the Dyson v11 does last a little longer than the battery found on the vertex Pro but also with both of these vacuums you do get your motorized carpet cleaner heads that are going to work well on hardwood floors and on carpets but with the v11 you are going to get a secondary motorized head alongside your two non-motorized crevice tools whereas with the vertex Pro you only get this single non-motorized head however something that the vertex Pro does have over the Dyson v11 is that it does come included with this multilex neck so it's going to make it a little easier for you to get under your furniture however personally I do feel that the Dyson v11 is going to be the better investment here because of the overall better performance and better Comfort than the vertex Pro