How To Boost Your Metabolism

How To Boost Your Metabolism

For many people their metabolism can determine their body weight when growing up. Your metabolism is also a product of your genes. Some people have fast metabolisms which allow them to seemingly eat what ever they want and not gain weight, while other people have slower metabolisms resulting in weight gain or making weight loss harder. Naturally, people who are trying to lose weight will be interested in boosting their metabolism. But can it be done? The GYMCADDY Team will tell you how to boost your metabolism. 


Should You Cut

Should You Cut

Cutting and Bulking are perhaps the two most popular terms you will hear at the gym. We’ve already talked about bulking and if you should do it. You can read that article here. But just to catch you up to speed, bulking is when you consume extra calories so that you gain weight while working out in the hopes of packing on pounds of lean muscle mass. Well after a bulk comes a cut, and a cut is really just a diet to help you lose weight. But does cutting working? Should you do a cut? Well, we’ll tell you.

Should You Bulk?

Should You Bulk?

Bro, you wanna build muscle? Then you should bulk! Bro, you wanna get stronger? Then you’ve got to bulk! We can’t tell you how many times we’ve heard people having that kind of conversation while at the gym. And the topic of bulking is especially popular with new lifters. Sure bulking does have its place in the gym and you can get results from it. But should you bulk? Will bulking add on the muscle you’re looking for quickly? As always we’ve got you covered. This is the GYMCADDY Team’s advice on should you bulk!

How Much Protein Do You Really Need

How Much Protein Do You Really Need

If you want to lose weight you have to eat protein. If you want to gain muscle you have to eat protein. If you want to get stronger you have to eat protein. Every other commercial on tv will tell you that in order to meet your fitness goals you have to eat a whole lot of protein. Now almost every prepackaged food in the grocery store has a label showing how much protein each serving has on the front of the label. But how much protein do you really need? Well, we’ll tell you. 

Does Weight Lifting Stunt Your Growth?

Does Weight Lifting Stunt Your Growth?

Well this post is for our younger readers, the teenagers who are just starting to get into fitness. If you’re just starting to workout chances are some people have told you that you shouldn't lift weights because it’ll stunt your growth. Perhaps your mom read an article or post on Facebook saying that their bundle of joy (IE you…) should stay away from lifting weights or else they will stay short. Well the short answer is no, working out will out not stunt your growth. But we know you will need the facts to back it up to make your mom or who ever to stop with all the nagging.

What is Casein

What is Casein

Chances are you are already using whey protein to help you meet your daily protein goals. Theres also a high likelihood that while browsing whey protein supplements you might have come across Casein Protein. And you might have wondered, should you use whey protein or switch over to casein protein. Whats the difference?! Don't worry, the GYMCADDY team has you covered. 

What Are BCAA’s And Do You Need Them?

What Are BCAA’s And Do You Need Them?

For the most part, the most important supplements you should be taking are a Quality Whey Protein, and a simple creatine monohydrate as long as you have a balanced diet. But you may have also heard about BCAA’s aka Branch Chain Amino Acids. Some people say you must take them while others say you can go without. Naturally, you want to get and preserve as many gains as you can. Sure there is some truth to both sides of this argument. So should you use BCAA’s? The GYMCADDY Team will tell you!