Bose QC Vs Sony ULT Wear

Sony ULT Wear Vs Bose QC Ultra & Bose QC Headphones - Sony Is Putting Bose Back On Notice

 Sony ULT Wear Vs Bose QC Ultra & Bose QC Headphones - Sony Is Putting Bose Back On Notice

So these are the Sony ULT Wear and these are Sony’s new Mid tier ANC Headphones for mid 2024. Now over all, these are a solid pair of mid teir ANC headphones and you really cant go wrong with them. But today we’re going to compare the Sony ULT wear to Bose’s Mid teir ANC headphones, the Bose QC headphones and we’re also going to be throwing in the Bose QC Ultra for good measure. So if you’re trying to choose between the Sony ULT wear and either of Bose’s QC headphones, lets see which ones are right for you.