Manscaped Lawnmower 5.0 vs Manscaped Lawnmower 4.0

Lawnmower 5.0 Ultra:

Lawnmower 4.0:

Amazon so this is the lawnmower 5.0 Ultra and this is the lawnmower 4.0 and today we're actually going to go ahead and do a quick comparison of these two razors because there are some major changes between these two trimmers now first off from a design standpoint the 5.0 and the 4.0 they look and weigh very similar and they have a very similar shape to them as well however from a design standpoint the back of the 5.0 is a little wider than the back of the 4.0 and that's because the lawnmower 5.0 Ultra is now compatible with any Chi wireless charger so you can just throw it onto any CH wireless charger that you might have for your phone and your razor is going to charge up with it whereas with the lawnmower 4.0 yes it also has wireless charging but you can only charge it up with its included wireless charging cradle whereas with the lawnmower 5.0 you can charge it wirelessly or you can also plug it in directly via its USBC port port and you can charge it up with any USBC cable that you might have lying around so overall with the lawnmower 4.0 the only way that you can charge this trimmer up is wirelessly through its included wireless charger however with the lawnmower 5.0 you can charge it up wirelessly or you can also charge it up via the USBC port on the bottom now personally I do like that the lawnmower 5.0 gives you options but I don't like that the lawnmower 5.0 no longer comes included with a wireless charger like with the lawnmower 4.0 because I will be honest I do like wireless charging with the 4.0 and I also like that the wireless charger on a v4.0 acts as a stand whereas with a v5.0 you are going to have to supply your own wireless charging now even though I am a little upset that the lawnmower 5.0 no longer comes included with a wireless charger something that the 5.0 does come included with is a travel case so you can just go ahead and store your trimmer in here and you also have room for your are the trim heads and you also have room for your foil which we will talk about more later and you also have room for your power cables so this is something that doesn't come included with the 4.0 so I guess this is a constellation since you don't get a wireless charger now when it comes to the actual battery life of these two trimmers the battery life on the lawnmower 4.0 is rated at 90 minutes whereas the battery on the 5.0 is rated at 60 minutes so there has been a slight downgrade here when it comes to power on the lawnmower 5.0 okay but with power aside one of the other differences between these two razors is that with the 4.0 yes you do have a built-in light and if you want you can use it with its light turned off but with the 4.0 there's only one temperature to This Light whereas with the 5.0 you have your light and this light actually has two temperatures to it there's an amber light and there's a white light so with with the lawnmower 5.0 it should be able to light different skin differently or just a little better but overall this is one of the upgrades found on the 5.0 over the 4.0 but now we can actually talk about cutting hair with these two trimmers now both of these trimmers have roughly the same cutting surface when it comes to cutting hair so those are very similar now technically yes the 5.0 is a little wider than the 4.0 but to me I do think that there difference here is negligible now both of these trimmers also come included with adjustable Combs but the 5.0 comes included with a total of three Combs we have this one here which is our 1.4 mm comb and it just slides on like that and it also comes included with two other Combs that have adjust and it also comes included with two other Combs which have adjustable positions this is actually our 2 4 and 6 mm comb and we do have a second comb that is good for 8 mm 10 mm and 12 mm now even though these Combs are adjustable personally I do feel that the adjustable Combs that come included with the lawnmower 4.0 are just a lot sturdier and these are a lot easier to click in and also if you want to adjust them they adjustment it just feels a lot a lot better than the adjustment found on the 5.0 so that is one of the things that I do prefer on the 4.0 over the 5.0 now with both of these trimmers you can easily remove their heads by simply just pressing up on the trim the trim head here and this slides right out and so this way you can actually get in and clean any hair that might get stuck in here but the big upgrade on the lawnmower 5.0 is that it also comes included with a foil and this foil is going to give you a skin tight shavee now in order to install this all you got to do is you just line this back plate here and this just Snipes or this just snaps right in and there we go we are good to go so this is going to give you a skin tight shave whereas with the lawnmower 4.0 even if you were to remove the comb and if you were to use it without any comb at all it is going to give you a close shave but you're still going to have stubble now personally I do prefer to have a shadow but if you want that skin tight shave than with the lawnmower 5.0 you can do that with the foil attachment so overall with the lawnmower 5.0 the main upgrade here is that this trimmer now has the ability to be used with a foil and this foil is what's going to give you that skin tight shave cuz with the lawnmower 4.0 even if you were to use it without a comb you're still going to have some stubble or a shadow left over and with the lawnmower 5.0 even if you don't want to use the foil you can easily remove it by just snapping that up and you can just add the trim head back on by simply just and snaps back in like that and again this is going to give you the Clos shave with the trimmer head here and if you want there are some adjustable Combs here which just Glide right in and if you want to adjust the length you just got to pop it up there's one and there's the other one so if you want some stubble or if you want to simply just trim your beard the lawnmower 5.0 can also do that so overall the lawnmower 5.0 is a notable upgrade over the 4.0 but the one thing that I don't like about the 5.0 is the shorter battery life coming in at 60 Minutes whereas the 4.0 has a battery life of 90 minutes